[caption id="attachment_1519" align="alignright" width="113"] Gregg Settembrino[/caption]
Recently I attended the American Bar Association’s (“ABA”) 2016 mid-year National Symposium on Technology in Labor and Employment Law (“Conference”) in Washington, D.C. The Conference highlighted a number of technology related issues that should be of interest to employers, such as the use artificial intelligence in the workplace, cybersecurity, and new trends in the National Labor Relations Board’s technology-based decisions and rulemaking.
One segment of the ...
By Ian Carleton Schaefer, Meg Thering and Gregg Settembrino[1]
The unrelenting wave of wage and hour suits continues to roll through the high-tech industry.
On July 21, 2014, in Felczer v. Apple Inc., Judge Ronald S. Prager of the Superior Court of California granted class certification as to a class of approximately 21,000 current and former Apple retail and corporate employees on claims alleging Apple failed to provide timely meal and rest breaks as required under California Law. The California Labor Code, with a few exceptions, requires employers to provide non-exempt employees ...
The newest issue of Take 5 is online, featuring contributions from Michelle Capezza, Nancy Gunzenhauser, Marshall Jackson Jr., Brandon Ge, Gregg Settembrino, and myself, colleagues in our firm’s Technology, Media, and Telecommunications (TMT) Strategic Industry Group.
In this issue, we cover employment issues in “The Cloud”:
- Solving Rainy Day Problems While It's Only Partly Cloudy: Wage and Hour Concerns
- PHI in the Cloud: HIPAA, Data Privacy, and Data Security
- The Cloud, the Evolving Role of the CIO, and the Increasing Importance of Attracting ...
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