Please join Epstein Becker Green’s Health Care & Life Sciences, Employee Benefits, and Labor & Employment practitioners as we continue to review the Affordable Care Act and its ongoing impact on hospitality employers and their group health plans and programs.
Since the Presidential election, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is moving quickly to implement the Affordable Care Act. Rules have been released in the past few weeks concerning participation in federal exchanges, discrimination based on pre-existing conditions, essential health benefit requirements, and expanded employment-based wellness.
During this program, Epstein Becker Green practitioners will:
- Review the ACA implementation timeline
- Discuss the structure of the law and basic concepts affecting hospitality employers
- Discuss critical employer decision making and planning for 2014
- Review alternative plan design options available to employers
This is the second in the Employer Affordable Care Act Webinar Series for hospitality employers on upcoming rules and regulations implementing the Affordable Care Act. Please stay tuned for upcoming webinars on:
- Exchange Implementation
- Shared Responsibility
- Calculation of Full-time Employees
- Quality Reporting
- And others…
Presenters: Gretchen Harders Frank C. Morris, Jr. Adam C. Solander
Registration Is Complimentary and Seating Is Limited
Don’t Miss This Opportunity! To Register, please click here.
In addition to this blog, EBG’s PPACA and HEAL blogs will also post ACA regulatory developments.
For additional Information, please contact Elizabeth Gannon at 202/861-1850 or